Hey peoples! Today I saw the funniest thing ever If you know Dahnel Cranford (I think that's how his name is spelled) A.K.A. Brooklyn then you'll love this during 5th hour Mr. Fox asked Brooklyn to try on a blond wig it the style of some older hair style and Brooklyn being the big goof ball he is he put it right on his head and even let Bridgett take pictures of him. Not realizing that they would be hitting facebook.com before the night is over. But he was cool about it. It was hilarious. And I'll be sure to post pics and add the link to the pic so you all can enjoy it yourselves. If you have Mr. Fox as your teacher post the crazy things that happen during your hour. Mr. Fox is really a cool but awkward teacher he cracks me up I feel like I’m always laughing at something funny or crazy he does. For example Brooklyn showed Mr. Fox his dinosaur stamp on his hand and Mr. Fox put up his fist and said “Black Power” I was laughing so hard. The things he does are crazy, weird, and down right funny. I know they are so come on people tell me about one or all of your experiences in or with Mr. Fox. Weather they be, weird, goofy, laughable, awful, or crazy I just want to know if my fifth hour is the funniest.
One time I skipped his class and the next day he asked me about it and I think I told him I was lost. Anyways he told me to get in the middle of the stage. I did. Then he told the class to get up and surround me. They did. Then Mr. Fox says: ok i need two strong people to lift Cierra up on their shoulders. So two people lifted me up.Once up there he told me I had to sing twinkle twinkle little star! I started laughing. I sang it once and he wasnt satisfied. He told me to sing it again. I did. He still wasnt happy so he told me to shout it. I did. It was hilarious. He said that was my punishment for skipping his class!