This morning was pretty crazy, so first our bus broke down and never showed up, and we had to wait for another bus to pick us up, but before the bus came I was sitting on my couch while my mom called the school and this bird, just and ordinary bird came flying into the window. Now it didn't go into our house but it hit the window and on our patio we have these holiday totes with different holiday decorations in them and the bird hit the window and fell behind them. My heart was racing, I was so scared for the little bird. I was sure it was going to die. But once my brother moved the totes the little drunken crazy bird just flew on out and right into the next window. It was so funny but so sad. Who knew birds got drunk and crazy too, right.
Wow, the samething happened to me. So one day I was sitting in my room talking to my sister and then out of no where a bird hit my bedroom window. So my crazy self opened the window to see if it was dead and as soon as I stuck my head out the window the bird went flying. My sister was laughing so hard that her eyes started to form tears. I was so scared,but now that I look back on it, it was funny.