This is the beginning of a story, I had nothing else better to do than to let my imagination open and let whatever's in there out. So. This is the beginning of a story about a girl her name is Distance. Distance was a troubled young girl who lived on a hill and one day after fighting with her drunken mother she ran down that hill carting all of her belongs along with food and water enough to last her a while away from home. While quickly pacing herself down the hill she slipped, and rolled down the hill, her cart of belongings tumbled down the hill and landed at the feet of the king of all the land, or so he proposed. He put his foot upon her belongings and claimed them for himself, but Distance had had enough of being pushed around. She walked up to the king and knocked him down and said in her biggest angry voice "Get your punk ass off my shit, I've been though enough today hell in my life and I'm not gonna take anymore of you or anyone else's crap!!!" The king felt his heart wrench for Distance, he knew the names and situations of his people but, he had never had anyone stand up to him like that and he was impressed, he was looking for his queen and Distance seemed to be just the woman he needed to get his land back in shape so instead of throwing her into the dungeon like he had planned he offered her the job of land coordinator and since she had nowhere else to go she excepted only if the king would ban drinking from the land for as long as he remained king and he willingly accepted her offer. Now Distance was the land coordinator and she wiped things into shape better than any unknowable king could have ever done. She put her foot down to those who used the kings ignorance to bankrupt the land, and soon enough she had fallen in love with her new job and the king began making moves toward marriage and since he was the king she couldn't say no so she figured she would just fall in love with him. It wasn't as hard as it looked either, even though he was insensitive, sad and not an inch street smart she loved him because he had courage, enough to change things and let a woman take charge
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