Hey there you amazing people!
Today's topic is simple I know it's our very first time really getting online and blogging. If you haven't done this before I'm pretty sure your thinking the same things I am (or something similar). What the heck are we supposed to talk about?! For some people I know that they're flying through this whole thing, and for some others your stuck, so I'm here to help and hopefully this is just as helpful to you because other than this I've got nothing. Now you could always talk about what you did today, Your favorite movie, how boring your day was, your siblings and how irritating or great they are. You could even go so far as to talk about that special person in your life or how your pet fish bubbles died and you had a fish funeral when you were four. Blogging should be a fun, a release if you will. It should be a moment in your day when you can sit down and reflect on the things that life has given you. For example of you were a farmer and you picked your fruits and vegetables when you were done picking them you would look at them to see which was ripe enough to sell and which was just right for eating so that's how you'd do it! There are tons of things to say and there are people who want to hear them so get comfortable and put you fingers to the keys of your keyboard and let your words flow. I'll start so you can get comfortable and you won't feel like your just talking to a blank screen.
Today was a good day for me, everything that I needed to get done was accomplished and I even got to do more that I thought i would. In my Sports Medicine class we took a really hard test on the upper body muscles and the rotator cuff specifically in my Geometry class we prepared for a test that we will take tomorrow and our homework is to memorize and be able to recognize the formulas we learned in chapter 11, in my T.V. Radio Production class we continued to edit our class movies and learned new ways to make our movies become more appealing for the viewers and finally in my English class we learned about blogs and this is how we got to the point where I am right now telling you about my day and helping to get you comfortable with writing you own personal blogs. Hopefully you'll get as comfortable as I have it's really fun and stress releaving when you actually start and once you get a good topic you just keep going and going until you have nothing else. Tell me how blogging has made you feel and even what you wrote about. Personally it was a great experience for me and just being able to put what I have to say out there and know that someone else just might want to hear what I have to say, it feels good to know. Maybe you feel the same way and maybe you feel different tell me about it I want to know. Dosen't it feel good to know that somebody wants to listen to what you have to say? Let me know. Well I guess this is the end of my thoughts now does anybody have any ideals for a spanish legend?
Thanks for reading and I hope I was helpful
Awww, its nice that you care about how people feel. I was totally confused, and totally frustrated. I tried so hard to understand and to actually like this, but its not something that im used to. I think in the long run I will eventually start to like this, cause I do have a few things I have to let off my chest. Lol