Have you ever had to got through something that you never thought you'd get over, and no matter what you do to try and get that thing off your mind it always seems to sneak up on you...Some times it can mean everything you want it to and other times it can be the worst thing you've ever felt...There comes a time in every person's life when they have to learn to let things go or go after what you want. Once you fight for what you want and you realize you cant fight for it any longer, you have to let it go..Love..Its like a butterfly, beautiful to begin with and one you catch it you want to hold on to it but if you hold it too much you'll crush it. You dont want to crush your butterfly. But you know when you let it go, if it comes back, then its ment to be yours. I always wanted to hold on to my butterfly but i learned that sometimes life itself can crush it. when life gets you down know that there is always someone loving and watching you, holding you together and you need to know that no matter what your going through you can make it through anything.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Bonding with Myself
Have you ever had to got through something that you never thought you'd get over, and no matter what you do to try and get that thing off your mind it always seems to sneak up on you...Some times it can mean everything you want it to and other times it can be the worst thing you've ever felt...There comes a time in every person's life when they have to learn to let things go or go after what you want. Once you fight for what you want and you realize you cant fight for it any longer, you have to let it go..Love..Its like a butterfly, beautiful to begin with and one you catch it you want to hold on to it but if you hold it too much you'll crush it. You dont want to crush your butterfly. But you know when you let it go, if it comes back, then its ment to be yours. I always wanted to hold on to my butterfly but i learned that sometimes life itself can crush it. when life gets you down know that there is always someone loving and watching you, holding you together and you need to know that no matter what your going through you can make it through anything.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Begining of a story

This is the beginning of a story, I had nothing else better to do than to let my imagination open and let whatever's in there out. So. This is the beginning of a story about a girl her name is Distance. Distance was a troubled young girl who lived on a hill and one day after fighting with her drunken mother she ran down that hill carting all of her belongs along with food and water enough to last her a while away from home. While quickly pacing herself down the hill she slipped, and rolled down the hill, her cart of belongings tumbled down the hill and landed at the feet of the king of all the land, or so he proposed. He put his foot upon her belongings and claimed them for himself, but Distance had had enough of being pushed around. She walked up to the king and knocked him down and said in her biggest angry voice "Get your punk ass off my shit, I've been though enough today hell in my life and I'm not gonna take anymore of you or anyone else's crap!!!" The king felt his heart wrench for Distance, he knew the names and situations of his people but, he had never had anyone stand up to him like that and he was impressed, he was looking for his queen and Distance seemed to be just the woman he needed to get his land back in shape so instead of throwing her into the dungeon like he had planned he offered her the job of land coordinator and since she had nowhere else to go she excepted only if the king would ban drinking from the land for as long as he remained king and he willingly accepted her offer. Now Distance was the land coordinator and she wiped things into shape better than any unknowable king could have ever done. She put her foot down to those who used the kings ignorance to bankrupt the land, and soon enough she had fallen in love with her new job and the king began making moves toward marriage and since he was the king she couldn't say no so she figured she would just fall in love with him. It wasn't as hard as it looked either, even though he was insensitive, sad and not an inch street smart she loved him because he had courage, enough to change things and let a woman take charge
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Baby Sisters
BookClub Choices

It's that time of year again and our class gets to pick out book choices this time we have choices between some incredible books, The Great Gatsby, The Joy Luck Club, and A Brave New World. I have seen both The Great Gatsby and The Joy Luck Club but I have never read any of the books and last time we did book clubs, I only got to read one of the books that were offered, this time I went to the library and checked out all three books and DVDs if there was one. These books are classic and untouchable topics, I have never read any other books that have had the depth of these 3, The Joy Luck Club the movie was incredible, each woman's story holds a part of your heart, then you have the Great Gatsby which is incredible the story line is great the fabrications of everything is just WOW you'll defiantly love it. A Brave New world so far its good but its VERY detailed and extremely exaggerated, but if you get it I'm sure you'll love it! Even if you don't get to read each one of the books you should, or even check out the movies because they are incredible I loved them and I'm sure you will too..Let me know!

Friday, May 15, 2009
Bearable Friends
Friends are great don't you know it! And I know everybody has that one friend that is just completely annoying and irritating well I know this girl and she isn't just annoying to me but, everyone I have talked to that knows her has the same things to say about her. Personally to me it seems like she needs some type of intervention of her personality or something like that. How do you tell a friend who's as sensitive as she is that she is irritating? I even know a girl who just flat out told her that she was annoying but the girl insisted on hanging out with her and her friends. How can you tell a person no to bother you ever again and not be mean about it. I'm not really a mean person but I am brutally blunt sometimes. Hey you know I just tell it like it is and there isn't much you can do about being honest there is a place where you draw the line. But I don't know where that place is so alot of people will just have to get over it, but here's another thing we have a another year with her! Maybe she'll move to like Korea or somewhere far enough so she can't catch a bus here or walk or drive back to "visit" It just seems so funny that she makes me so mad that I can sit here and write a whole blog about her being irritating and making me frustrated. But its just fine because one of these days she’s going to irritate me so bad everything will just come out. It's sad because it will hurt her feelings but oh freaking well.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Bird Brain

This morning was pretty crazy, so first our bus broke down and never showed up, and we had to wait for another bus to pick us up, but before the bus came I was sitting on my couch while my mom called the school and this bird, just and ordinary bird came flying into the window. Now it didn't go into our house but it hit the window and on our patio we have these holiday totes with different holiday decorations in them and the bird hit the window and fell behind them. My heart was racing, I was so scared for the little bird. I was sure it was going to die. But once my brother moved the totes the little drunken crazy bird just flew on out and right into the next window. It was so funny but so sad. Who knew birds got drunk and crazy too, right.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Belligerent Feelings

Have you ever missed someone so much that all you can think about them. That's how I feel right now. How do you solve a problem like that if you can't see them until the weekend or you can't talk to them until the weekend. Isn't that the worst. So how do you solve a problem so big, when you can't stop thinking of that person no matter how you try to get them out of your mind they just stick. That's how I feel right now. Have you ever actually tried not to think about that person and because your trying so hard to not think about them, then you realize that you are actually thinking about this person while your trying not to. I just feel like there's no cure for this type of feeling, and exactly what is the feeling supposed to be someone let me know. It's like I can't stop, on every paper there's his name there's pictures of him everywhere how in the name of God do you stop thinking about somebody. Some say," When you can't stop thinking of some one there thinking of you too. " I hope that one is true because how would I really feel to know that the one person that I can't get off my mind isn't at all thinking of me. Luckily I know he is thinking of me just as much as I am him, but still how do you get rid of the developing attachments or the feelings that your just not ready to have or you are ready to have but your not sure of whether or not to put yourself out there and trust that person with your feelings or even if you want to feel what your feeling at all. Have you ever felt these type of emotions and wondered what they were and how to control them. Somebody help me! I'm so lost and confused and just utterly misunderstood by myself!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Birthday Gift

Hey there! It's always a good time for birthdays and what not, but I'm having the biggest problem I've ever had. I need to buy a birthday gift for a very special person in my life and I have about a month left to find the perfect gift. I've known this person for about 3 1/2 years or so and we’re the closest of friends, he's really special not just because of the past we've had but because of the future we plan to have. He's my favorite person on this planet and so finding the perfect gift for him is a must. He really wants some all white Air Forces, or some type of clothing. And I want to get him what he wants plus a little some thing that shows him just how special I think he is. For my birthday he brought me a beautiful sterling silver necklace that say Sean loves "Nyeisha" and I wanted to get him one similar to mine but kind of a guy one. Like a dog tag that says some thing sweet or a hat with his name on it or some thing that just says "Your Special to me." I need other ideals I thought about lots of stuff digital picture frames, cameras, hats, shirts, pants, shoes, chains, pictures, poems, anything. If you have suggestions on birthday gifts for guys let me know, because I need some serious help.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Brooklyn In A Blond Wig

Hey peoples! Today I saw the funniest thing ever If you know Dahnel Cranford (I think that's how his name is spelled) A.K.A. Brooklyn then you'll love this during 5th hour Mr. Fox asked Brooklyn to try on a blond wig it the style of some older hair style and Brooklyn being the big goof ball he is he put it right on his head and even let Bridgett take pictures of him. Not realizing that they would be hitting facebook.com before the night is over. But he was cool about it. It was hilarious. And I'll be sure to post pics and add the link to the pic so you all can enjoy it yourselves. If you have Mr. Fox as your teacher post the crazy things that happen during your hour. Mr. Fox is really a cool but awkward teacher he cracks me up I feel like I’m always laughing at something funny or crazy he does. For example Brooklyn showed Mr. Fox his dinosaur stamp on his hand and Mr. Fox put up his fist and said “Black Power” I was laughing so hard. The things he does are crazy, weird, and down right funny. I know they are so come on people tell me about one or all of your experiences in or with Mr. Fox. Weather they be, weird, goofy, laughable, awful, or crazy I just want to know if my fifth hour is the funniest.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Blogging; How does it feel?
Hey there you amazing people!
Today's topic is simple I know it's our very first time really getting online and blogging. If you haven't done this before I'm pretty sure your thinking the same things I am (or something similar). What the heck are we supposed to talk about?! For some people I know that they're flying through this whole thing, and for some others your stuck, so I'm here to help and hopefully this is just as helpful to you because other than this I've got nothing. Now you could always talk about what you did today, Your favorite movie, how boring your day was, your siblings and how irritating or great they are. You could even go so far as to talk about that special person in your life or how your pet fish bubbles died and you had a fish funeral when you were four. Blogging should be a fun, a release if you will. It should be a moment in your day when you can sit down and reflect on the things that life has given you. For example of you were a farmer and you picked your fruits and vegetables when you were done picking them you would look at them to see which was ripe enough to sell and which was just right for eating so that's how you'd do it! There are tons of things to say and there are people who want to hear them so get comfortable and put you fingers to the keys of your keyboard and let your words flow. I'll start so you can get comfortable and you won't feel like your just talking to a blank screen.
Today was a good day for me, everything that I needed to get done was accomplished and I even got to do more that I thought i would. In my Sports Medicine class we took a really hard test on the upper body muscles and the rotator cuff specifically in my Geometry class we prepared for a test that we will take tomorrow and our homework is to memorize and be able to recognize the formulas we learned in chapter 11, in my T.V. Radio Production class we continued to edit our class movies and learned new ways to make our movies become more appealing for the viewers and finally in my English class we learned about blogs and this is how we got to the point where I am right now telling you about my day and helping to get you comfortable with writing you own personal blogs. Hopefully you'll get as comfortable as I have it's really fun and stress releaving when you actually start and once you get a good topic you just keep going and going until you have nothing else. Tell me how blogging has made you feel and even what you wrote about. Personally it was a great experience for me and just being able to put what I have to say out there and know that someone else just might want to hear what I have to say, it feels good to know. Maybe you feel the same way and maybe you feel different tell me about it I want to know. Dosen't it feel good to know that somebody wants to listen to what you have to say? Let me know. Well I guess this is the end of my thoughts now does anybody have any ideals for a spanish legend?
Thanks for reading and I hope I was helpful
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