If I were a grain of corn I would get eaten by a mouse.
If I were a mouse I would run from a cat.
If I were a cat I would run from a dog.
If I were a dog I would run for the mailman.
If I were the mail man I would carry a gun.
If I were that gun I would shoot a bullet.
If I were that bullet I would graze the dog.
If I were the slash on the dog I would let in infectious disease.
If I were that infectious disease I would take over the dog's body.
If I were to take over the dog's body I would catch the cat.
If I were the cat I would catch the mouse.
If I were the mouse I would get away.
If I were to get away I would grab my corn.
If I were that corn I would grow high enough so that when that dirty little mouse climbed my stalk a hawk would catch it and eat it.
Part TWO
If I were a paper I'd let you write on me, I'd let your ink glide across me like a skate on ice. I'd let my blood be shown in ink as you expressed you immaculate feelings, just as long as you don't fold me. If you did I'd be ruined, like the great buildings of Greece. And yet as I'm begging you not to fold me to my creases edge.Yet here you are folding me and passing me along while your teacher's telling you about how the president tried to change the world. Hand to hand, finger prints stain my back, while you try to tell that boy across the room that has no interest in you. How do I know this because he circled "No" write across my face.
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