Check this out!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
30/30 Day Eighteen
Since we're playing with lists, "Who Says the Eye Loves Symetry" by Patrick Rosal lists a series of metaphors to make a single point. Read and listen to it here:
Try what he does: many metaphors to demonstrate one idea or concept.
Try what he does: many metaphors to demonstrate one idea or concept.
30/30 Day Seventeen
I love a good list poem. Probably my favorite list poem ever is Aracelis Girmay's "Here," which I sent to you on the first day of 30/30. In case you deleted that message, here is "Here."
And here is a really good description of a list poem, if you need it.
Of course, it is only one person's version. You'll be impressed at the number of hits you get if you google "list poem." Try it if you'd like even more examples and explanations. Here's the list poem I posted on my notes page (of Facebook) for 30/30 today. Now you write one.
And here is a really good description of a list poem, if you need it.
Of course, it is only one person's version. You'll be impressed at the number of hits you get if you google "list poem." Try it if you'd like even more examples and explanations. Here's the list poem I posted on my notes page (of Facebook) for 30/30 today. Now you write one.
30/30 Day Sixteen
How about you try it!
Nonsense workshop with 3rd graders, Thursday. I write the first line of "The Walrus and the Carpenter" on the whiteboard: "The sun was shining on the sea." I ask them how we might begin transforming this into nonsense. Hand shoots up right off -- kid says: "The sea was shining on the sun." It's an hourlong workshop. The sea was shining on the sun. What else could I possibly have to tell them?
Probably the most famous nonsense poem is Louis Carol's "Jabberwocky" from Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, 1872. Read it at
Nonsense workshop with 3rd graders, Thursday. I write the first line of "The Walrus and the Carpenter" on the whiteboard: "The sun was shining on the sea." I ask them how we might begin transforming this into nonsense. Hand shoots up right off -- kid says: "The sea was shining on the sun." It's an hourlong workshop. The sea was shining on the sun. What else could I possibly have to tell them?
Probably the most famous nonsense poem is Louis Carol's "Jabberwocky" from Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, 1872. Read it at
Friday, April 16, 2010
30/30 Day Fifteen-Post Secret/Bulling/Whatever
What interesting conversations during the Anti-Bullying assemblies. I'm guessing there was something said, something in the Post Secret powerpoint, something in the video of Ms. Sirdeaner Walker that got in your head. Today's prompt is to take it and write it.
Or, as always, write what you want. Just write. :-)
Or, as always, write what you want. Just write. :-)
30/30 Day Thirteen-EKG
The Exercise: Lie Detector Test
In the center of a blank page, draw a scribble that looks like the printout of a lie detector test (or an EKG). Imagine this as the results of *your* lie detector test. Label your lies on the up and down spikes. (Your lies might be something you said once, a lie you frequently tell, a lie you tell yourself, etc.) Label your truths on the middle (small or straight) marks. (Again, truths you said once, to feel free to tell, even truths you need to own up to.)
The Prompt: Pick one
Okay, so pick one item you labeled on your exercise and write into it, write under it or tell the story of what happened.
30/30 Day Twelve- Fireflies

Look at this poem, "Fireflies" by Fred Chappell: it's a boxed (aka nesting or embedded) poem, a form he created. Try it! Or, write about night. Or write whatever you want!
by Fred Chappell
The children race now here by the ivied fence,
gather squealing now there by the lily border.
The evening calms the quickened air, immense
and warm; its veil is pierced with fire. The order
of space discloses as pair by pair porch lights
carve shadows. Cool phosphors flare when dark
permits yearning to signal where, with spark
and pause and spark, the fireflies are, the sites
they spiral when they aspire, with carefree ardor
busy, to embrace a star that draws them thence.
Like children we stand and stare, watching the field
that twinkles where gold wisps fare to the end
of dusk, as the sudden sphere, ivory shield
aloft, of moon stands clear of the world's far bend.
Today My 30/30 consists of a song that is also called fireflies and has the same effect on me as this poem had so I thought I'd share it with you!
Lyrics to Fireflies by Owl City :
You would not believe your eyes
If ten million fireflies
Lit up the world as I fell asleep
Cause they fill the open air
And leave teardrops everywhere
You'd think me rude, but I
Would just stand and stare.
I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly.
It's hard to say that I'd
Rather stay awake when I'm asleep,
Cause everything is never as it seems.
Cause I'd get a thousand hugs
From ten thousand lightening bugs
As they tried to teach me how to dance.
A foxtrot above my head,
A sock-hop beneath my bed,
The disco ball is just hanging by a thread.
I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly.
It's hard to say that I'd
Rather stay awake when I'm asleep,
Cause everything is never as it seems.
(When I fall asleep.)
Leave my door open just a crack.
(Please take me away from here.)
Cause I feel like such an insomniac.
(Please take me away from here.)
Why do I tire of counting sheep?
(Please take me away from here.)
When I'm far too tired to fall asleep
To ten million fireflies.
I'm weird, cause I hate goodbyes
I got misty eyes as they said farewell.
But I'll know where several are
If my dreams get real bizarre
Cause I saved a few,
And I keep them in a jar.
I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly.
It's hard to say that I'd
Rather stay awake when I'm asleep,
Cause everything is never as it seems.
(When I fall asleep.)
I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly.
It's hard to say that I'd
Rather stay awake when I'm asleep
Because my dreams are bursting at the seams
Monday, April 12, 2010
30/30 Day Eleven-Pick A Line From Miss Rosie

THE PROMPT: Pick one line from "miss rosie" and use it as the first line of your poem. I could pick a line for you, but why? You're getting really good at picking the line that speaks to you, and that isn't the same line for everybody. So, pick your own and be sure to credit Lucille Clifton for the line. :-)
miss rosie
by Lucille Clifton
when I watch you
wrapped up like garbage
sitting, surrounded by the smell
of too old potato peels
when I watch you
in your old man's shoes
with the little toe cut out
sitting, waiting for your mind
like next week's grocery
I say
when I watch you
you wet brown bag of a woman
who used to be the best looking gal in Georgia
used to be called the Georgia Rose
I stand up
through your destruction
I stand up
30/30 Day Ten- Spam Response

Go through your spam box and find the weirdest piece of spam you can. Imagine the kind of person you would have to be in order to bother responding, then respond.
This is the spam that I choose...
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© Hair Club for Men, Ltd., Inc.
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If you would not like to be contacted by us in the future, please let us know Go Here.
My Response:
Dear Hair Club for Men,
I would like you to know that your advertising and "amazing" photos are not impressive. I would also like to inform you that I am not a male. I am not bald or balding. Your e-mail was look at as an insult to myself and my hair as well. You have disgraced your company with your product additives as well as your crappy advertisement. It is not true that your product will help men get women because most women don't even care about a man's hair. Maybe this ad worked for you or you previous consumers however you will not get any appreciation, sympathy, or money out of me you have shamed yourself and your business please do not contact me again regarding my hair or your ass will be on the line.
Thank you for no longer contacting me and I hope you filthy business goes under faster than the American economy.
30/30 Day Eight- Spring!
#8 Write about spring. Come on--the thunderstorms we've been having! The awakening trees! You have to notice spring on spring break. Pick one tiny change that you can see and try to describe every aspect of that change. Work in every sensory detail: vision, smell, taste, texture, sound. I was mesmerized yesterday as I watched a rhubarb unfurl by the hour.
Ok so since I am able to show another way to do the 30/30 I am you can post pics for the topic. And I took these as a result of spring. Happy Spring Guys and Seniors Class of 2010 you only got 1 MORE MONTH!!!
What Spring Is To Me
Natural Beauty
Love Is In The Air
Thursday, April 8, 2010
(Nanniie Changen'Mind Diamond Legette)
What Kind Of Person Are You How Could You Possibly Do The Things That You Do And Expect Me To Look To YOU For Answers. Your Wrong And Its Sad Because You Don't Even Know What Your Doing.I Cant Stand To See You The Way You Are And Knowing That I Cant Protect You From The Pain Your Feeling. Do You Think Its Really Worth All Of The Things That Your Going Through? I Don't Maybe It's Time For You To Take A Second Look
What Kind Of Person Are You How Could You Possibly Do The Things That You Do And Expect Me To Look To YOU For Answers. Your Wrong And Its Sad Because You Don't Even Know What Your Doing.I Cant Stand To See You The Way You Are And Knowing That I Cant Protect You From The Pain Your Feeling. Do You Think Its Really Worth All Of The Things That Your Going Through? I Don't Maybe It's Time For You To Take A Second Look
30/30 Day Nine Compare
Once again I had to go str8 from the dome because I just couldn't get this one either you can try the way I did or the prompt below I did it so that every other line is one poem and ever line between that is a poem but they are both inter-related in the last line

Why are you so blind?
I wonder what it is you see?
You can never see when someone is hurting me
How can you love someone so weak?
You never stop to think that maybe the man that you "love" so much leads to pain
Maybe love is weakness
I can't understand why you put up with is bullshit when you know there's someone looking for you
Maybe you afraid of being alone
He's someone we can count on
Maybe your afraid of change
Someone who wants to love you and hold you
Maybe you don't think it's right
But you can't see past that chump of a man you call my father
I hope your not blind forever
I'm glad he hasn't found you yet
So at least you won't have to be in pain
So when he does find you you'll know what a dog looks like
You don't even know how much I care
And Maybe then you'll see that what you got now
I just want you to know you don't have to hurt
Isn't worth the price your paying
Because you've got me
(after the traditional rhyme “I Saw a Peacock with a Fiery Tail”)
Susan Marie Swanson
I saw a tiger
burning bright
I saw the sun
in the middle of the night
I saw a star
torn from a tree
I saw a leaf
holding a key
I saw a pocket
full of art
I saw a book
shaped like a heart
I saw a stone
coming untied
I saw a shoelace
wiggle and hide
I saw some tadpoles
buzzing round a cake
I saw a bumblebee
high above the lake
I saw a cloud
pacing at the zoo
You can see
these wonders too!
© 2010 Susan Marie Swanson. All rights reserved.

Why are you so blind?
I wonder what it is you see?
You can never see when someone is hurting me
How can you love someone so weak?
You never stop to think that maybe the man that you "love" so much leads to pain
Maybe love is weakness
I can't understand why you put up with is bullshit when you know there's someone looking for you
Maybe you afraid of being alone
He's someone we can count on
Maybe your afraid of change
Someone who wants to love you and hold you
Maybe you don't think it's right
But you can't see past that chump of a man you call my father
I hope your not blind forever
I'm glad he hasn't found you yet
So at least you won't have to be in pain
So when he does find you you'll know what a dog looks like
You don't even know how much I care
And Maybe then you'll see that what you got now
I just want you to know you don't have to hurt
Isn't worth the price your paying
Because you've got me
(after the traditional rhyme “I Saw a Peacock with a Fiery Tail”)
Susan Marie Swanson
I saw a tiger
burning bright
I saw the sun
in the middle of the night
I saw a star
torn from a tree
I saw a leaf
holding a key
I saw a pocket
full of art
I saw a book
shaped like a heart
I saw a stone
coming untied
I saw a shoelace
wiggle and hide
I saw some tadpoles
buzzing round a cake
I saw a bumblebee
high above the lake
I saw a cloud
pacing at the zoo
You can see
these wonders too!
© 2010 Susan Marie Swanson. All rights reserved.
30/30 Day Seven- Haiku/ Answers?
You have the 5-7-5 syllable pattern; 17 syllables, three lines. Read more about them: and/or google "haiku".
I couldn't do this one so I just went str8 from tha dome

My questions speak volumes to your deaf ears
You don't answer because you know not of that things you speak
However I cry, I cry because my insides bleed when I think of you
My heart fails to push blood through my veins when my eyes see you
Once I realize your presence my breath stops cold
I can't help it you make me sick
I can't fathom the answers that float through your rattling brain
What were you thinking when you made me
How could you possibly think that you know what's best for me
When you can't even answer the simple questions that matter
My questions speak volumes to your open ears
And yet you have no answers
I couldn't do this one so I just went str8 from tha dome

My questions speak volumes to your deaf ears
You don't answer because you know not of that things you speak
However I cry, I cry because my insides bleed when I think of you
My heart fails to push blood through my veins when my eyes see you
Once I realize your presence my breath stops cold
I can't help it you make me sick
I can't fathom the answers that float through your rattling brain
What were you thinking when you made me
How could you possibly think that you know what's best for me
When you can't even answer the simple questions that matter
My questions speak volumes to your open ears
And yet you have no answers
30/30 Day Six Ode
Write an Ode. An ode is a poem, often short to medium in length that has a very focused on one subject but usually connects to universal (big) themes. OR it can be very focused on one subject and deeply ironic or sarcastic.

When I saw this prompt I thought about abortion
And how it tears apart babies that didn't ask to be conceived
It pisses me of how a person can intentionally not use protection
And then be surprised that there pregnant and so surprised when the father of the child doesn't want anything to do with them.
It's just a shame how people expect that they can make their lives
By killing the being that they created
And yet I cannot say that if I was put in the same situation that I myself
would not get an abortion I wouldn't be ab;e to put my child through something so selfish and self centered as this.
Having a child at the age I am now and in the situation that this child would be forced into is not ok.
Torture= Abortion

When I saw this prompt I thought about abortion
And how it tears apart babies that didn't ask to be conceived
It pisses me of how a person can intentionally not use protection
And then be surprised that there pregnant and so surprised when the father of the child doesn't want anything to do with them.
It's just a shame how people expect that they can make their lives
By killing the being that they created
And yet I cannot say that if I was put in the same situation that I myself
would not get an abortion I wouldn't be ab;e to put my child through something so selfish and self centered as this.
Having a child at the age I am now and in the situation that this child would be forced into is not ok.
Torture= Abortion
30/30 Day Five If I Were A ____
#5 If I were a _____--and go from there

If I were a grain of corn I would get eaten by a mouse.
If I were a mouse I would run from a cat.
If I were a cat I would run from a dog.
If I were a dog I would run for the mailman.
If I were the mail man I would carry a gun.
If I were that gun I would shoot a bullet.
If I were that bullet I would graze the dog.
If I were the slash on the dog I would let in infectious disease.
If I were that infectious disease I would take over the dog's body.
If I were to take over the dog's body I would catch the cat.
If I were the cat I would catch the mouse.
If I were the mouse I would get away.
If I were to get away I would grab my corn.
If I were that corn I would grow high enough so that when that dirty little mouse climbed my stalk a hawk would catch it and eat it.
Part TWO

If I were a paper I'd let you write on me, I'd let your ink glide across me like a skate on ice. I'd let my blood be shown in ink as you expressed you immaculate feelings, just as long as you don't fold me. If you did I'd be ruined, like the great buildings of Greece. And yet as I'm begging you not to fold me to my creases edge.Yet here you are folding me and passing me along while your teacher's telling you about how the president tried to change the world. Hand to hand, finger prints stain my back, while you try to tell that boy across the room that has no interest in you. How do I know this because he circled "No" write across my face.

If I were a grain of corn I would get eaten by a mouse.
If I were a mouse I would run from a cat.
If I were a cat I would run from a dog.
If I were a dog I would run for the mailman.
If I were the mail man I would carry a gun.
If I were that gun I would shoot a bullet.
If I were that bullet I would graze the dog.
If I were the slash on the dog I would let in infectious disease.
If I were that infectious disease I would take over the dog's body.
If I were to take over the dog's body I would catch the cat.
If I were the cat I would catch the mouse.
If I were the mouse I would get away.
If I were to get away I would grab my corn.
If I were that corn I would grow high enough so that when that dirty little mouse climbed my stalk a hawk would catch it and eat it.
Part TWO
If I were a paper I'd let you write on me, I'd let your ink glide across me like a skate on ice. I'd let my blood be shown in ink as you expressed you immaculate feelings, just as long as you don't fold me. If you did I'd be ruined, like the great buildings of Greece. And yet as I'm begging you not to fold me to my creases edge.Yet here you are folding me and passing me along while your teacher's telling you about how the president tried to change the world. Hand to hand, finger prints stain my back, while you try to tell that boy across the room that has no interest in you. How do I know this because he circled "No" write across my face.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
30/30 Day Four-Capture A Moment In Memory

at a given moment (importance of the moment is not relevant), try to capture everything going through your head.
The moment you were born
I was upset, I was tired, I was hungry.
Your mother was persistent on having you but
you were playing games, you kept sliding down
and going back up.
While I sat home pacing waiting for you to be born
hour and hours pasted us by while David went to school
and I babysat your aunts Dream and Destini
We waited and waited for the phone call then finally
after being home alone for hours on end
I got a phone call telling me that my mom, your grandmother
was on her way home
Then another phone call came that you'd be born by
I was scared for you because they wanted you so badly.
I didnt want anything to happen to you, I was afraid when they
said you'd be in the hospital for a while.
Then I came and seen you and my world was permanently altered
you were everything that is a bundle of wrinkled joy and I fell in
love with you in that very moment and you became apart of me.
You looked like one of us with the added feature of your mothers
enlarged head, i hoped it wouldn't stay that size. I hoped that you wouldn't inherit your mother's body shape or your father's because seriously that would just be a hard punishment. I had to pray that you would be ok, because I had become attached to you
But honestly if you hadn't made it I don't know if I would have been affected
by your loss that is and maybe I'm not sorry for feeling this way. Maybe I might have felt happier when you were born if you weren't born into the situation that you were with an unstable relationship
unstable home
unstable parents
and just plain old force
you were forced to be here to hold a relationship together and that's not fair to you.
I want you to know that I love you the same as when you were in the womb and I love your parents too but the circumstances you were born under were unfair to my beloved niece and now that your here you have nothing to worry about because I will always protect you.
I couldn't help how much I felt the day you were born.
My Noodles
30/30 Day Three-One Side Of a Converation

writing only one side of a conversation.
It was great, we danced all night did you go?
why not
nither did i u should have been there it was fun
i wish you would have been there, we could have danced together
yea i know we used to be so close
i miss you too
yea lets see movies on saturday
yea, just me and you
yep talk to you friday.
30/30 Day Two-Questions To God & Fate Intervention
Here is your first question to the gods." And the prompt: What are your questions to the gods? What were your first questions to the gods? And I might add: Describe a time when you've asked for intervention into your fate, your life.

I watched you drive away this morning.
It was 9:24, this Saturday.
And I couldn't help thinking about how miserable you must be.
From A distance you look like any other father.
It's when you get close that perfect image fades away.
You can finally see the natural color that suits you so well
You spit out comments like vomit
And scream like your a rock star
But you can't fool me
I know what your true colors are
Green and Red
Your always angry or frustrated and you can't control your emotions.
You say things that you wish you'd never said
But you can't take them back and even if you tried you'd fail
I know what your true colors are
Green, Red, Blue
After you yell and tell me how stupid I am you go in the bathroom and cry
Is it because your filled with sorrows or is it because you can't handle the pressures of life that you put on yourself.
I guess you can't be unhappy living a double life and all
but you can't hid it from me
I know what your true colors are
Green, Red, Blue, and Black
Are you depresses, feel like your life is going into a black hole
you feel like your children will be faliures?
Because your not there? Really? You think that?
Your more depressed than I thought.
You move like a snake shifting and sliding.
Sneaking and hiding,but your trapped by your glass cage that is me.
You can get out but you know that if you run away life as you know it is over.
You think you'll loose me forever but haven't you noticed?
I'm already gone
I know your colors.
Faith in your father can only go so far.

I watched you drive away this morning.
It was 9:24, this Saturday.
And I couldn't help thinking about how miserable you must be.
From A distance you look like any other father.
It's when you get close that perfect image fades away.
You can finally see the natural color that suits you so well
You spit out comments like vomit
And scream like your a rock star
But you can't fool me
I know what your true colors are
Green and Red
Your always angry or frustrated and you can't control your emotions.
You say things that you wish you'd never said
But you can't take them back and even if you tried you'd fail
I know what your true colors are
Green, Red, Blue
After you yell and tell me how stupid I am you go in the bathroom and cry
Is it because your filled with sorrows or is it because you can't handle the pressures of life that you put on yourself.
I guess you can't be unhappy living a double life and all
but you can't hid it from me
I know what your true colors are
Green, Red, Blue, and Black
Are you depresses, feel like your life is going into a black hole
you feel like your children will be faliures?
Because your not there? Really? You think that?
Your more depressed than I thought.
You move like a snake shifting and sliding.
Sneaking and hiding,but your trapped by your glass cage that is me.
You can get out but you know that if you run away life as you know it is over.
You think you'll loose me forever but haven't you noticed?
I'm already gone
I know your colors.
Faith in your father can only go so far.
30/30 Day One-Brother

My brother is talented, but he doesn't understand that the spoken word he speaks, speaks to me.
He doesn't understand that the tears he sheds and the blood he bleeds is mine. Because I don't break down the walls an doors or the glasses of windows he feels that I don't know, but I do.
I know what he feels and how the waves of pain hit like the plane crashes of 9-11.
I know when he feels hurt because I feel it too. And yet because I don't scream to the heavens and damn hell he wonders why I don't see what he sees or feel what he feels and he doesn't understand.
He doesn't understand how I could possibly deal with these discombobulated parents and crazy ass kids wit a smile.
How could you possibly look the way you do and no know what I feel.
I do the, the things I do are for you, there for those two little girls that need me.
When i push through our fucked up lives with a strong head and fake ass smile it's because I know what you feel.
I Understand what you pain is and where it comes from.
While I sit in this class motivated by your poem that you call change my paper bleeds.
Now my brother stand up and know that what what we feel is pain and we gone make it.

OK So Spring Break Is FINALLY Here and so is the month of April bring all of that warm and wet weather with it. The Month of April had 30 days and the month of April is poetry month so I along with my teacher, Mrs. Andrew-Von and others challenge YOU the readers to get involved with the 30/30. Science has proven that no matter what you read or write as long as you do so get out there and do it I am and I'm posting everything I write for the 30/30 this month so far I'm behind by 3 days but I plan on catching up and for those of you who need help, like me Mrs. Andrew has been sending us prompts to help us along so here are the the first couple of prompts I'll be adding the prompts for the rest of the month just check it out and you'll see the new prompts and for the record you dont have to write poetry or use these prompts your just need to write! Enhance your mind and WRITE plus its a lot of fun when you compare with your friends so get everyone going and check her out on there's a page where you can go and post your 30/30 so everyone else can see but, you don't have to do that either. Just have fun while you've got your week off!!!!
Day One: Come up with a poem of your own
Day Two: Here is your first question to the gods." And the prompt: What are your questions to the gods? What were your first questions to the gods? And I might add: Describe a time when you've asked for intervention into your fate, your life.
"Here" :
Day Three: writing only one side of a conversation.
Day Four: at a given moment (importance of the moment is not relevant), try to capture everything going through your head.
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